Homa Ball - Football Freestyle Ball


Homa Ball – Football Freestyle Ball


Story :

Introducing “Homa,” an innovative ball inspired by the legendary Persian bird named Homa, known for its unity and graceful flight. As the name suggests, the “Homa” ball embodies the spirit of freedom and creativity, making it an ideal companion for freestyle football enthusiasts.

Homa: A timeless legend from ancient Persia, embodying courage, wisdom, and the unbreakable spirit of a people. With wings spanning the endless expanse of the sky, she teaches us to soar to great heights, inspiring greatness that echoes through the ages.

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The Homa Freestyle Ball – Persianball

Top-quality ball especially for football freestylers. The perfect all-around ball for any football freestyler!
  • Adding a grip for resistance slippery on the ball
  • It´s got a soft touch to it and gives a good bounce
  • Resistant and suitable for any weather and place (grass, asphalt, hall)
  • Suitable for all-around freestyle football tricks.
  • Gorgeous and stylish freestyle design.
  • The idea of design comes from Iranian culture.

Homa Ball – Freestyle Ball

After much anticipation, we are thrilled to unveil the latest addition to the Persian ball lineup: the Homa ball. Our team has poured countless hours of research and dedication into crafting this top-of-the-line product, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of freestylers. We understand that for freestylers, the right ball can make all the difference, which is why we’ve prioritized key features that elevate performance to new heights. The Homa ball boasts an exceptional bounce, providing freestylers with the perfect responsiveness for executing their most intricate moves with precision. Its superior friction ensures optimal control, allowing for seamless transitions between tricks and flicks. With a soft touch that enhances comfort and maneuverability, freestylers can feel confident pushing the boundaries of their skillset. And let’s not forget about the striking design, which not only looks great on the pitch but also reflects the passion and dedication of the freestyle community. In essence, the Homa ball isn’t just a product; it’s a testament to our commitment to delivering excellence in every aspect of the game.  

Bounce of Homa ball

The Homa ball’s impressive bounce is especially crucial in freestyle football, where every touch, flick, and juggle relies on the ball’s responsiveness. Even when the ball isn’t fully inflated, its consistent bounce empowers freestylers to push the boundaries of their skills and express themselves with confidence and flair. Whether executing a complex combo or landing a seamless trick, freestylers can trust in the Homa ball to deliver the perfect bounce, fueling their passion for the sport and inspiring awe in spectators worldwide.  

The leather of the Homa Freestyle Ball

The Homa balls feature the most exquisite leather imaginable, meticulously selected to enhance every aspect of your performance. This special leather not only provides a luxurious feel but also offers optimal friction, allowing you to execute your moves with unparalleled precision and control. You’ll notice the distinct texture of the ball, which, combined with its exceptional friction properties, ensures that every touch is met with just the right amount of resistance. With enhanced grip and tactile feedback, you’ll feel more connected to the ball than ever before, empowering you to showcase your skills with confidence and finesse. On stage, where every move counts, this superior leather ensures that you can perform at your absolute best, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and competitors alike.    

Soft touch

The touch sensation of the ball is truly remarkable. As you apply pressure, you immediately feel the softness permeating through the surface. Whether you’re engaging in intricate footwork close to the ground or executing aerial maneuvers with finesse, the luxurious feel of the ball remains consistent. This sensation enhances your control over the ball, making it easier to execute precise movements with fluidity and grace. With each touch, you’re enveloped in a world of comfort and responsiveness, empowering you to elevate your game to new heights..


Design plays a pivotal role, influencing not just aesthetics but also concentration levels. In the case of this ball, design isn’t just a feature; it’s a cornerstone. Crafted by an expert, every detail has been meticulously considered to enhance both focus and visual appeal. Drawing inspiration from Persian culture, the design incorporates intricate symbols and patterns, each telling a story of its own. The choice of colors—black, white, and dark gold—adds a touch of sophistication while ensuring minimal distraction during gameplay. Moreover, the inclusion of symbols inspired by the legendary Persian bird of history adds a layer of mystique and heritage to the ball. It’s not merely a sporting accessory but a work of art that invites admiration and appreciation. Every glance at the ball is an opportunity to marvel at its beauty, reinforcing the commitment to providing athletes with the best possible equipment for their sport.  


The exceptional grip of this ball is a game-changer for freestyle football enthusiasts. With such reliable traction, you’ll find yourself effortlessly executing every trick in your arsenal with precision and finesse. Whether you’re mastering intricate juggling patterns or pulling off gravity-defying moves, the superior grip ensures that the ball stays glued to your feet, giving you the confidence to push the boundaries of your skill set. No matter how complex the trick, the grip provides the stability you need to maintain control, allowing you to showcase your creativity and flair on the field. It’s this unparalleled grip that truly sets this ball apart, empowering freestylers to elevate their performances to new heights and captivate audiences with their mesmerizing displays of skill.        

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